disability insurance

The following blog posts have the category Disability insurance

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an empty couchThe love month is upon us, when, on February 14, baby Cupid flies around with a bow and arrow. While many people celebrate the tradition with chocolate, flowers, or a night of fine dining, it's likely that not many have knowledge of where and how this holiday began. According to the History Channel, that's because much of the background is still a mystery aside from the fact that the Catholic Church recognizes a Saint Valentine and Cupid is based on Greek mythology.

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apple with heart beat carved in itNobody likes to go to the doctor, especially when they aren't sick. But preventative healthcare is a huge piece of the long, healthy, and happy life puzzle. Annual wellness exams often include a general screening, vitals check, labs, and maintenance for chronic health conditions. In fact, it isn't uncommon that these annual exams identify early-stage diseases like cancer, concerning blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thyroid dysfunction, and a host of other common deficiencies and abnormalities. And, since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandated 100 percent coverage for preventative care, there's no excuse for missing your annual physical.
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Disability Insurance is designed to reimburse lost wages in the event of a disabling accident or illness. Different policies have different stipulations but nearly all require a waiting period before disability payments begin and will reimburse for a pre-defined percentage of your income, generally 45% - 60%. There are two broad categories, Long Term Disability (LTD) and Short Term Disability (STD). Premiums and waiting periods will differ between the two types along short term and long term category lines.

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Yennie & Jones Insurance Agency